Resources for Study

Bibliographies for Rhetoric and Composition (Rebecca Moore Howard)
CCC Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric, 1984-1999
CompPile, 1939-present

Digital Archives and Museums
American Memory Project (Library of Congress)
Black Women Writers
E-Pluribus Unum Project (18th-20th century American oratory and texts)
Internet Archives Text Archive
National Archives of Composition and Rhetoric
19th-century Schoolbooks Project (Nietz Collection at Pittsburgh)
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000

Online Repositories and Databases
Avalon Project for Law, History, and Diplomacy
British History Online
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers (LOC)
Digital Text Project (Columbia's Institute for Learning Technologies)
Digital Schomberg African-American Women Writers
Internet Library of Early Journals (eLIB Programme)
Making of America (Cornell U)
Making of America (U Michigan)

North American Slave Narratives (UNC Documenting the American South)
Perseus Project Digital Library (Tufts U)
Project Gutenberg
Project Muse
Women Writers Project (Brown U)

Research Tools and Webs
Alex catalogue with concordance
Archive Grid
Center for History and New Media (GMU)
Davies Project (American Libraries before 1876)

Humanities Text Initiative (U Michigan)
InPho (Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project)
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Mapping Digital Technology in R/C History (Tirrell)
MONK Project
Silva Rhetoricae (BYU, Gideon Young)
Zotero (Modern Rhetoric Site of Prof. Sullivan, Purdue)

Scholarly Exchanges